Our Services: #1 Proven Gene Test Kits

Inborn Talent Gene Test (ITGT)

Disease Susceptibility Gene Test (DSGT)
We help you see if you’re at risk to 100 of the most prevalent diseases of today .
Report Consultation - Add On
Engage in an in-depth discussion with our senior educational psychologist, who will interpret your DNA results and provide personalised insights into your natural talents.
Order Processing Procedure
Order online
Choose from our Inborn Talent or Disease Susceptibility DNA test. Your sample swab home kit will typically arrive within 5-7 days.
receive test kit
Your Test Kit includes a consent form, a pair of gloves, sterile Omni swab, centrifuge tube that contains lysis solution to keep your DNA sample fresh.
Mail back test kit
Once ready, place the tube and completed consent form into the prepaid addressed envelope provided. Seal the envelope and mail it back to our sample collection point.
Receive DNA report
Your DNA sample will be sent to our certified lab for testing. This process takes about 30 days. A personalized test report will then be generated for you.
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